Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Adhyay 1 / 1

Today on 27th Feb 2006, I have started reading a book I have been thinking of reading since long. Its the Bhagwad Geeta. I would try to read couple of pages each day and will try to write whatever I learn from it. This way it will increase my understanding about it and will ofcourse keep me focused in one direction.

I learnet about Dhitrasht and Hattrasht today.
As Dhitrasht supported Gambling in his province kurukshretra, Pandavas lost all of their land to Kauravas. Now, as Pandavas wants to fight back to get their land back from kauravas, they are motivated to get their land back. They have vigor to fight back to get whatever they have lost! - These are denoted as Hattrasht.

Whereas on the other side, Kauravas were not expecting a fight back, so they were not at all motivated to fight and now have to prepare to fight as pandavas are gonna fight them. These kind of people are always weeker as they are not motivated to fight and they only fight because they do not have any other choice. These are denoted by Dhitrasht.

I will find the sanskrut verse and will edit this post.

It will take a while until I finish reading and finish blogging about it too. But I wanted to start this and have done it finally! - And I'm motivated to stay with it until end.
